The RI League of Women Voters joins LWVUS in supporting action to combat climate change which is an existential threat to humanity. We support caps on pollution, investments in renewable energy, carbon pricing, and stronger EPA regulations on methane and other gases. In addition, we support climate justice: the impacts of climate change on younger generations, indigenous communities and people of color, working-class neighborhoods, and families in economic transition. The League testified in favor of S 78 and H 5445 which mandate planning for reduction of fossil fuel emissions. These acts were signed by the governor on April 10. The League also testified on H 5120 (held for further study), the Economic and Climate Resiliency Act, which would tax fossil fuels at the wholesale level, in an effort to reduce carbon emissions.
On May 20, 2021 the Rhode Island League participated in a webinar with League activists from Connecticut and Massachusetts discussing the the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) a "Cap-and-Invest" program. The TCI program the three states are participating in will establish "caps" for carbon dioxide emissions from fuels for the states/jurisdictions in the program and then auction "allowances" for the amounts of carbon dioxide allowed under the cap to fuel suppliers in their areas. The proceeds from the auctions will then be used by states/jurisdictions to establish equitable, less polluting, and more resilient transportation in their areas. In Rhode Island the Transportation Emissions and Mobile (TEAM) Community Act will create the governmental structure needed to implement the TCI program. The Senate’s version of the bill S 0872A was passed by the Senate on June 22. The House companion bill H 6310 has not been heard by the House Finance committee as of 6/30.