Kathy Gallagher, daughter of Joan C Arnold awarding this year's recipient, Ellen Pinnock.
The League of Women Voters, Newport County has selected Ellen Pinnock of FabNewport as the 2023 recipient of the Joan C. Arnold Civic Participation Award. The award was presented on November 28 at a wine and cheese reception held at Harbor House, 111 Washington St. Newport from 5:30 to 7:00 pm.
Ms. Pinnock is the Director of Community Engagement at FabNewport. She also leads the Equity in Education initiative. FabNewport’s focus is to create a positive vision for the future of all students. Understanding the need for a positive vision of the future serves children far more than just grades and academic scores. The impact is long term and produces perseverance in facing challenges and a more optimistic outlook on life which directly influences optimism and resilience. When asked by Executive Director, Steve Heath, where Ellen gets her unbridled giving, she tearfully named that source as love. She fiercely loves the children of Newport as well as the communities in which they live.
The award honors the life of Joan C. Arnold, a member of the League of Women Voters of Newport County and Rhode Island, who passed away in February 2011. Joan was a great admirer of the anthropologist Margaret Mead who said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed it’s the only thing that ever does.” Joan believed in her power to “change the world.”
This award commemorates her life and work by recognizing individuals whose work has resulted in bringing relief to those in need or to improving the quality of life in Newport County. The recipient must be an organization or individual in Newport County. The honoree’s work should have demonstrated measurable impact or results, long-term and high-level commitment and a wide reach in the county.