"On the surface, it was just another tea party—a well-behaved group of women passing cups of brewed beverages around the genteel table of Jane Hunt, a well-to-do New York woman who had invited four others to dine with her. But this tea party was not for shrinking violets. Hunt’s guests were about to air their grievances about the world’s injustices toward women—and to give birth to the convention on women’s rights that resulted in the formation of the American women’s movement.” - www.history.com
Join the South County chapter for our annual tea and fundraiser. Renee Hobbs, Founder of Media Educaiton Lab will speak on "Misinformation Disinformation". Seating is limited. Tickets for this event are being sold in advance and online only. Use the following link https://bit.ly/LWVSC_Tea_2024 to purchase your tickets. We look forward to seeing you there!