Promoting Gun Safety 2021

Promoting Gun Safety 2021

Gun Coalition List
Blog Post

The League is a member of the RI Coalition Against Gun Violence. For years, the League has supported common-sense measures such as background checks, prohibition of guns on school grounds, prohibition of private ownership of assault weapons and limitation on magazines. Additional bills introduced by RICAGV in 2021 include backing safe storage, no straw purchases, and banning open carry of rifles and shotguns. Kristen Chambers wrote testimony in support of S 73 and H 5555 to ban guns on school grounds; in support of S 406 and H 5553, which would mandate locked storage of guns in the home; S414 and H 5554 which would ban large capacity magazines with 10 or more rounds; S 415 and H 5556 which would ban assault weapons, and S 416 and H 5386 which would prohibit straw purchases of guns.

The League also spoke in opposition to a number of bills which would have expanded concealed carry or weakened licensing. H 5972 would allow carrying of concealed handguns without permits. H 5973 would permit the open or concealed carry of weapons by any person in the act of evacuating pursuant to an order of the governor or local authority. H 5558, H 5639, and H 5730 would seek to circumvent Rhode Island’s strong concealed weapons permit issuance standards by granting “permit reciprocity” - a practice that allows permit holders from other states to carry hidden, loaded guns in Rhode Island without first obtaining a Rhode Island permit.

Kristen Chambers

H5386.pdf (

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Rhode Island