NewsThe Providence Ward Boundaries committee has 5 upcoming public hearings. We welcome all to participate and there are many ways to get involved. Here’s our website with information https://council.providenceri.gov/ward-boundaries Para español
Briefing By Kimball Brace, Election Data Service, Inc. - Feb. 14, 2022 - explanatory data and maps
- All hearings begin at 6:00 pm. Both oral and/or written testimony is welcomed from members of the public at any or all of the hearings.
- You also can submit testimony or any comments at any time to the committee via email Wardboundaries [at] providenceri.gov. You can also call the City Council office 401-521-7477 to learn more about how to get involved.
- All Public hearings will also be streamed live via YouTube if you are unable to attend in person. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiar53Ea-EHr2BPOMrC2uWA
- Hearings will follow COVID Protocols.
The Public Hearings schedule:
- Monday February 7 at Providence Career and Technical Academy (PCTA) Auditorium at 41 Fricker St
- Monday February 14 at Silver Lake Community Center at 529 Plainfield St
- Tuesday February 22 at Nathan Bishop Middle School Auditorium at 101 Sessions St
- Monday February 28 at DaVinci Center Community Room at 470 Charles St
- Wednesday March 2 Remote Zoom Meeting with link and signup available when agenda is posted
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