Pictured above: 2022 Winners Hannah Resseger (L), Kate Ray (Top R), Thalia Wood (Bottom R)
The LWVRI-South County chapter has kicked off their activity in preparation for the 16th Susan B. Wilson Awards Ceremony to be held at the RI State House on June 7, 2023 at 3:30pm. Members Kristen Chambers (chair), Marylen McKenna, Christine Martone and Nancy McLean have held several zoom calls to ensure that we are organized and ready to spread the word, accept applications, choose evaluators and finally, hold the awards ceremony. Thank you to the Education Fund for granting the funding for these awards and thank you to Jane Koster for securing the location for the ceremony.
The intention of these awards is to honor an individual Rhode Island educator or a team of educators who are directly teaching students and whose teaching exhibits extraordinary ability and innovation, and fulfills one or more of the following criteria:
- Enriches students' understanding of their own civic rights and responsibilities;
- Encourages students' civic participation;
- Brings context and relevance to pivotal civic events--historic and/or current--affecting the United States on a national, regional, statewide, or local level;
- Promotes understanding and appreciation of individuals who play a role in aforementioned pivotal civic events.
Do you know of someone who fits the bill? Please direct them to this website for more details and the application form: https://my.lwv.org/rhode-island/16th-annual-susan-b-wilson-awards