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Submitted by Rhode Island in August 2024.
Zoom Meeting/In-person
The Providence League leadership works as a loosely organized group rather than as a formal board and meets on the first Wednesday of odd numbered months at 10 a.m.
East Providence City Council Chambers
Forum for candidates for Senate District 14: Valarie Lawson, incumbent, and Brian Coogin
Submitted by Rhode Island in July 2024.
The United Theater
The League of Women Voters South County is thrilled to present "VOICES and VOTES: A Musical Cabaret Celebration of Women's Equality Day".
Submitted by Rhode Island in February 2024.
BOOK CLUB NOT HAPPENING IN AUGUST AND WILL RESUME SEPT 12@ 1. Destination still Riverside at Susan's unless we tell you otherwise.
Warwick Public Library
RI's League of Women Voters cordially invites you to learn ALL ABOUT THE LEAGUE! You will learn:
“The Engineers Wife” by Tracy Enerson Wood - about the Brooklyn Bridge
Innovate Newport
Submitted by Rhode Island in April 2024.
Washington Hilton
The 2024 National Convention will take place June 27-June 30 at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC and online.
Submitted by Rhode Island in June 2024.
Barrington Library
All members are welcome to attend and to decide how we can best carry out our goals during this important election year.
This is in person, so bring a bag lunch and your questions!
Submitted by Rhode Island in June 2023.
Please contact Liz Head for Zoom meeting details
There are currently no past events to display. Check back soon!