Common Fence Point Arts, Wellness and Community Center
933 Anthony Road
Rhode Island
See map: Google Maps
Rhode Island US
Monday, April 24, 2023 - 6:00pm
The League of Women Voters of Newport County
Invites you to join in a forum with
Jed Thorpe of Clean Water Action and
Kevin Budris of Just Zero Waste
With discussion on
“The Bottle Bill” H5502 SB753
Monday, April 24th, 6:30pm
Common Fence Point Arts, Wellness and Community Center, Portsmouth, RI
This question-and-answer session will be open to the public, liquor store owners, grocery store owners, convenience store owners and bottle and can distributors.
This event will be live streamed at https://www.commonfencepoint.org/live/
This event is related to which committees:
LWVRI - Newport County