Forum - East Providence Mayor, Senate District 18

Forum - East Providence Mayor, Senate District 18

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Virtual Event
Wednesday, August 31, 2022 - 5:30pm

The League of Women Voters and East Bay Media Group have invited candidates in the Primary Election in East Providence to debate so you can compare their ideas, plans and experience. The forums will be broadcast live on Zoom and the link to view the forums will be published in the Barrington Times, the East Providence Post and on the League of Women Voters Web site Recordings will be available within a day and may be viewed at any time before Primary Election Day, Sept. 13. Links to the videos will be on the League of Women Voters of Rhode Island website. 

What do you want to know about these candidates’ plans, experience and opinions? You can send questions to voterservice [at]  All candidates in a debate will address each question.  The moderator will choose the questions to ask.

Candidate Forum August 31 at 5:30

Senate District 18: Robert Britto and Gregory Greco
Candidates for Mayor of East Providence: Roberto DaSilva, Maureen Gomes Lopez, Ruarri Miller and John Rossi

Zoom link:

The session will be recorded an a link will be posted on this site the following day, September 1.

Contact Information
voterservice [at]
This event is related to which committees: 
LWVRI - Elections - Voter Service - Civics