"The Importance of Social Reform to Woman Suffrage and the League of Women Voters"

"The Importance of Social Reform to Woman Suffrage and the League of Women Voters"

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125 Hope St
Providence Rhode Island 02906
Rhode Island US
Monday, March 17, 2025 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Guest: Elisa Miller
Chair and Professor, Department of History,
Rhode Island College

Doors open at 6:30pm for drinks and refreshments,
talk/discussion will begin at 7pm, end at 8pm

RSVP: Joan Retsinas, 401-272-0422, joan.retsinas [at] gmail.com


Title page for Dr. Elisa Miller talkLink to pdf of handout images


Contact Information
Joan Retsinas
joan.retsinas [at] gmail.com