March for Our Lives

March for Our Lives

March for our Lives 6-11-2022
Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Coinciding with the national March happening in Washington, DC, our rally will feature students and young folks who are frustrated, scared, and angry over their experiences as part of the "active shooter drill" generation.
Please join us to support our students and to demand votes for common-sense gun safety bills that have been languishing in committees for years!

As members of the Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence (RICAGV) the League is supporting: 
2653 (Coyne) / H 6614 (Caldwell), which will prohibit the sale and possession of high-capacity magazines;
2825 (McCaffrey) / H 7358 (Felix), which will prohibit the open carry of loaded rifles and shotguns in public;
2224 (Miller) / H 6615 (Caldwell), which will prohibit the future sale and possession of assault weapons;
2734 (Seveney) / H 7300 (Caldwell), which will require all gun owners to securely and responsibly store their guns; and
2637 (Goodwin) / H 7457 (Tanzi), which will raise the age required to purchase a rifle or shotgun to 21.

For more information on the bills:

Issues referenced by this event: