As members of the Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence (RICAGV) the League is supporting:
S 2653 (Coyne) / H 6614 (Caldwell), which will prohibit the sale and possession of high-capacity magazines;
S 2825 (McCaffrey) / H 7358 (Felix), which will prohibit the open carry of loaded rifles and shotguns in public;
S 2224 (Miller) / H 6615 (Caldwell), which will prohibit the future sale and possession of assault weapons;
S 2734 (Seveney) / H 7300 (Caldwell), which will require all gun owners to securely and responsibly store their guns; and
S 2637 (Goodwin) / H 7457 (Tanzi), which will raise the age required to purchase a rifle or shotgun to 21.
For more information on the bills: