Environmental Policy - Solid Waste

Environmental Policy - Solid Waste

Position In Brief: 

The League of Women Voters of Rhode Island supports long-range statewide planning for solid waste management. This should include:
1. Reduction of wastes volume and materials recovery through source reduction, source separation and recycling, and composting. (In December of 1985, the LWVRI supported legislation calling for mandatory source separation of municipal wastes and recycling in Rhode Island.)
2. State leadership in the promotion of markets for reclaimed material and state and local government purchase of recycled materials when practicable.
3. Further volume reduction and energy recovery from the unrecyclable materials by the use of waste-to-energy facilities, designed and operated in compliance with state and national environmental laws for air and water.
4. Disposal of the residue in well-sited, designed, and managed sanitary landfills, run in conformity with strict environmental controls.
5. Rejection of the concept of local veto over siting of state facilities.
6. Public education to bring about general understanding and cooperation with government authorities in the management of our solid waste problem. Links

  • Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation
Position History: 

Adopted 1974: Revised May 7,1987

League to which this content belongs: 
Rhode Island