Education Programs - Education and Voter Services Committees

Education Programs - Education and Voter Services Committees


On February 11th, the LWV of Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Area Education and Voter Services Committees combined to present two educational programs for the LWV members at the Bluffton Public Library.   

Dr Carr BOEThe LWV Education Committee's guest speaker was Dr. David Carr, a current member of the Beaufort County School District Board of Education who presented relevant information about the school district, its statistics, achievements, challenges and plans for the future followed by a question and answer period.


Chris DeVriesThe LWV Voter Services Committee presented Chris DeVries who discussed detailed results of the 2024 election in terms of voter location, percentage registering and voting, and the diverse demographics of those voters. She also spoke about some of the challenges that voters had to enable them to vote, including the difficulty in obtaining Absentee ballots. Her presentation was followed by a question and answer period.  See her presentation here.

Both of these special programs reflect two of the important goals of the League of Women Voters to provide relevant and accurate information about the topics and concerns of voters as well as the ability to both register and vote in the local, state and national elections.

League to which this content belongs: 
Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Area