We want you to join the League of Women Voters. Everyone is welcome, age 16 and above!
The League is not for women only! 
As a member, you will:
- have the opportunity to participate in local, state, and national League work
- get exclusive civic information you can trust
- know that your membership dues add to our grassroots strength and our financial resources.
Join us and be part of the solution!
Membership Dues
- $65 - one-year individual membership
- $105 - one-year household membership for two or more members who share an address
- $25 - one-year student membership for one is enrolled full- or part-time at an accredited institution.
If you would like to join, please mail your check and contact information to:
League of Women Voters of Horry County
P.O. Box 2381
Conway, SC 29528
Download form
Name(s) of additional member(s) in household__________________________
City_______________________________ Zip Code __________________
Phone (home)___________________ Phone (work/day)_________________
Cell phone_______________Email address____________________________
Amount enclosed $______________________
$65.00 one member. $105.00 two members same household. Other available membership categories: Student Membership $25.00.
Dues are now tax deductible under IRCode Section 501(c)(3). Please write your check to: League of Women Voters of Horry County
Comments (e.g. interests, how you heard about the League)