First Tuesday Jun 7: The League, the Legislature, and the Budget

First Tuesday Jun 7: The League, the Legislature, and the Budget


Zoom: Meeting ID 829 2885 4078, password 611093
Blacksburg Virginia
Virginia US
Tuesday, June 7, 2022 - 11:45am

State League President Deb Wake and Janet Boyd, State Director of Voter Services, will be our speakers Tuesday, June 7th, at 11:45 a.m. on Zoom for a report on the League’s lobbying in the 2022 General Assembly and the state budget.

Our First Tuesday Talk is timely as the General Assembly reconvened last Wednesday and approved a compromise state budget. We will have a chance to discuss with our speakers whether the General Assembly has invested sufficiently in K-12 education, mental health, and other needs for the coming fiscal year.

League leaders such as Deb Wake and Janet Boyd play an important role in lobbying for legislation at the General Assembly on voting rules, school funding, restoration of voting rights, and other priority issues. However, much of the state League’s clout comes from grassroots members like you who write emails and letters and make phone calls in support of important legislation.

Deb and Janet will fill us in on the 2022 legislature’s actions and the state budget, which will determine if Virginia is going to fund school construction needs and an increase in teacher salaries.

Come learn about this year’s legislative session and how you can be part of the league’s grassroots lobbying effort when the General Assembly convenes each January.

Contact Information
Elizabeth Obenshain
league.mcva [at]