NewsIt’s April, and the League is just as busy as those birds and squirrels around us! Here’s what we’re doing:
- We’re cosponsoring the showing of Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point for our monthly meeting on April 18 --- note the change in date (it’s a Thursday evening, not a Saturday!)
- We’re staffing student elections at DVC again (there are still open shifts, sign up NOW at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409044FA5AA28A46-dvcstudent !)
- We’re sending members to the LWV Bay Area Council meeting on Voters Service -- you can go too!
- We’ve joined the Budget Justice Coalition to learn more about how the county spends money. Marian has a report on a recent meeting with county staff.
- We’re working on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – this month there are two Town Hall meetings to attend that look interesting!
- We’re adding to our Observer Corps following the March meeting. Missed it? We have some great notes for you, thanks to Melanie!
- We’re continuing to think about how what we do now builds the 100-year legacy we’ll be celebrating in 2020 – read Martha and Suzan’s different perspectives on this topic.
- We’re reading information from LWV California on applying for the 2020 Citizens Redistricting Commission – who do you know who should be on this?
Follow the links to read all about it, or print out the PDF (also available from the link below).
League to which this content belongs:
Diablo Valley