Read the proposal letter.
LWV SLOCO incorporated language reflecting the value of civil discourse into our existing position(s) on government (see italics in summary, and highlighted wording at end):
Government of the County and Cities of San Luis Obispo: Two positions joined in 1977; Reviewed 1986, 2003, 2014.
The League supports policies and actions which achieve a responsive and representative government, promote civil discourse, increase citizen understanding of finances and greater involvement of the public and staff in budget making and long-range financial planning, and provide for the periodic evaluation of locally levied taxes, licenses, and fees. The League supports policies and actions which promote the effective operation of citizen advisory commissions, committees, task forces, and other advisory bodies.
1.Publicize vacancies on all boards, commissions, and committees appointed by local government, including a description of the scope of the body's activities.
2.Evaluate department heads on a regular basis, evaluation to be conducted by administrative officers and members of the governmental entity.
3.Encourage efforts to improve communication between citizens and government agencies with published dates and topics of open meetings of governmental entities in advance.
4.Put county fiscal policies in written form and publicize these fiscal policies.
5.Promote civil discourse through action and education for all government bodies, staff, and citizens for the purpose of improved public policy decisions and processes. Civil discourse means, at a minimum, mutually respectful, courteous, constructive, and orderly communication.