Reversing Our Polarity: Moving from "Us vs.Them" to "You and Me" (PAST EVENT)

Reversing Our Polarity: Moving from "Us vs.Them" to "You and Me" (PAST EVENT)

Image of head thinking


View on Zoom. (See below for details.)
Wednesday, June 22, 2022 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm
  • Why is it so hard to talk with those with whom we disagree?
  • Why do we have negative reactions to those who are different from us?
  • Why are stereotypes useful?

We welcome you to discover, explore and learn with Dr. Terry Wu in a conversation about how our brains process “otherness”, why this is a normal situation, and how we can manage our way through it.

Very often, even rational decisions have many emotional elements. This is because we don’t have access to all the facts needed to make a completely logical decision and our brains can’t analyze all the information. Wherever we lack facts, emotion often kicks in and nudges us toward certain decisions without our full conscious awareness.

Dr. Terry Wu received his Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Vanderbilt University. He has a 30 year career in Neuroscience. Evaluations praise his ability to make the complex neurological and psychological underpinnings of behavior understandable.

Sponsored by the LWV of Santa Clara County Council and AAUW of Sunnyvale-Cupertino.

This event is related to which committees: 
LWV Diablo Valley Civic Engagement Committee