Natural Resources Committee

Natural Resources Committee

The Natural Resources Committee (NRC) develops educational and advocacy activities as
well as forums related to environmental issues.

 Current activities include:

  • an annual climate forum
  • local education
  • advocacy for local and state environmental issues
  • climate justice 

Members are encouraged to join the Committee to help make your city and our globe a more livable place, both now and in the future.  Monthly meetings are the second Friday of the month and virtual.  In the near future meetings will be both virtual and in-person.  Please contact Kitty Kroger (323-829-5329) with questions or for an agenda and meeting link.

Committee Chair: Cynthia Cannady

Committee Contact
Contact Name: 
Cynthia Cannady, Chair and Kathy Kunysz, Director
League to which this content belongs: 

All Posts Related to this Committee


Since we had our solar system installed last year, whenever I can’t find my husband, I know where to look. He’s gazing at the electric meter outside our house, checking to see which way the arrow is facing.

Offshore wind

Photo above: An offshore wind farm. (California Energy Commission)




The Fight to Take Back Our Planet

By Michael E. Mann


Putting the Action in Pasadena’s Climate Action Plan


One Step toward Reversing Global Warming


The City of Pasadena Water and Power Department has proposed the Arroyo Seco Canyon Project to expand the set of basins for capturing and spreading streamflow in the upper portion of the Arroyo Seco.


We welcome your reviews of books that • were published within the past three years • do not advocate for a political party or politician • do address issues supported by the League, and • intrigued you enough that you want to share them.
