

We support measures to efficiently increase the supply of low and moderate income housing.
Position In Brief: 

The League of Women Voters of Ventura County support measures to increase the supply of low and moderate income housing without undue jeopardy to the envirenmental balance, health, and safety of the community (1971-72, 1980-82, 1985-1986).

Position History: 

2008 Supported adequate affordable housing in Camarillo during Planning Commission’s update of General Plan housing element.

2006 Supported Citrus Place, a CEDC project, to provide more affordable housing in Ventura.

2004 Supported Measure G in Ojai, allowing 50 affordable rental units for seniors.

2002 Opposed Measure C in Ojai. It would have required mitigation for increased traffic due to new buildings.

       Supported a development of affordable and market housing in Saticoy. (Not built.)

       Supported a development of affordable and market housing in Mound. (Being built.)

2001 Spoke before seven city councils supporting affordable housing. “Too High a Price, League of Women Voters of Ventura County Affordable Housing Study, 2000-01” written and printed by study committee, was presented to governmental officials at the county and city levels. Advocacy statements given at Board of Supervisors meetings.

        Wrote newspaper column supporting more affordable housing in cities.

1995 Made statement to Ventura City Council to expedite housing development by CEDC (Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation) for low income people.

1992 Became a life-time member of “Networking for Housing” in Ventura County.

1991 Urged the Ojai Planning Commission and, later, the Ojai City Council to declare an overriding need for the Montgomery Oaks Affordable Housing Project when the Environmental Impact Report was being considered.

Social Policy Position 


Specifics of Position

1. Promotion of flexible zoning which encourages innovative methods of achieving affordable housing.
2. Updating building codes.
3. “Scattering” low-cost housing both in the siting of new buildings and in the leasing of existing units.
4. Ensuring that replacement housing is available before demolition of low cost housing. Estimates should include all reasonable and usual costs which will be borne by public agencies and individuals as a result of such demolition and change of habitation. (This is a
transfer to HOUSING from HOMELESSNESS consensus.)
5. Vigilance in enforcement of state and local laws in requiring replacement housing.


Not until 1985-86 did the LWV-Ventura County take a position which dealt directly with housing. It resulted from a study/update of the relationship with, and consistency among, related housing elements of each city’s plan and Ventura County’s General Plan. The objective of this update was “to familiarize members with the housing needs in their communities, to review and understand the applications of our positions, including possible conflicts and resolutions.” Position specifics (1) and (2) above resulted from this study. Item (3) resulted from a 1971-72 national policy study. The “scattering” of low cost housing was desired as a local specific of the
position to help provide equal access to employment, housing and high quality education. Items (4) and (5) resulted from the 1990-91 Homelessness study.

Anti-discrimination statements have long been included in LWV-Ventura County housing statements. At the end of its 1980-81 study on “Housing in Ventura County” and a 1981-82 continuation of the housing study “with attention to preservation of agricultural land,” the LWVVentura County favored “Support of programs and policies to provide equal opportunity for access to housing, without discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation.” “Age” was added in 1984.

LWVUS Social Policy Position as amended June, 1992, is to “promote social and economic justice, secure equal rights for all, and combat discrimination and poverty.“ This means “all persons regardless of their race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or disability.” This national policy allows local Leagues to take actions at a local level on national’s social policy positions without permission by the National League board. See the National positions booklet for a complete explanation of its Social Policy Position.

League to which this content belongs: 
Ventura County