West Contra Costa County Subscribed Articles

West Contra Costa County Subscribed Articles

Blog Post

The voter services delivery of our LWVDV has been nothing short of extraordinary. We transformed our services to make a difference in this COVID-impacted election. We wanted to make a statement about the critical importance of being well informed and participating in this election, when our democracy is so challenged. In providing such an intensified effort, our teams set records to be proud of this year, both in quantity and quality of outreach.

Image of Voter's Edge

A dedicated team of volunteers began work in mid-August so that Contra Costa County voters could learn as much as possible about local candidates and measures before casting their ballots. Marian Shostrom and Cindy Mataraso coordinated the efforts of the team, planned and offered training, and made presentations to community groups.

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A video of this forum is now available here.

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This is the compilation of the reports from members observing the Danville Town Council meetings, in reverse chronological order.

School Board

This is the compilation of the reports from members observing the Orinda Unified School District Board meetings.

Image of Voter's Edge

If you have not looked at your ballot on Voter’s Edge, now is the time to do so!

Image of Vote with the League

The trusted voting recommendations from the League of Women Voters of California for the Nov 3 ballot measures are here!

young girl reading newspaper

Onwards into September and a full month of election activities, meetings, and volunteer opportunities -- plus Ruth Bader Ginsberg and an anniversary quote to remember.

pills, syringe, $50 bills

The Healthy California for All Commission held its first meeting on January 27 in Sacramento. The charge of the commission is to provide the Governor and Legislature with options and recommendations to advance progress toward achieving a health care delivery system that provides coverage and access to all Californians through a unified financing system, including, but not limited to, a single-payer financing system.
