Reflecting on 2020, Looking Forward to 2021

Reflecting on 2020, Looking Forward to 2021

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Blog Post

League of Women Voters of Connecticut steps up during the 2020 pandemic to help voters

As the LWVCT President, I was admittedly unsure and had to really pause and ponder the question of what LWVCT could do during the pandemic. But with the passion and energy of the Education Fund Board of Directors, together we developed a plan. And THANKS to supporters like you, the LWVCT Education Fund was able to step up quickly and effectively with our voter service work. 

You can help keep us ever ready for 2021: If you haven’t already, will you make a donation to the League of Women Voters of Connecticut’s Education Fund?




We knew you wanted the League to be nimble in adapting to the changing election landscape, from the original date of the Primary Election in April up to the General Election. Absentee ballots became the main topic, as this was a voting experience new to most voters. Connecticut needed rapid voter education to make sure voters had the most accurate information to cast their ballots safely and securely.

The League was in the right place at the right time: We were able to reach thousands of voters online and through our amazing network of local League voter service leaders.

 website stats

stats vote411

  • We launched a voter materials blitz and expanded our coalition partnerships to reach more citizens.
  • We communicated with hundreds of voters, like you, through special Zoom events.

Over 630 people respond to our Primary Voting Experience Survey, informing our education and outreach efforts for the General Election.


In preparation for the November election, LWVCT took a multi-pronged approach through the courts, legislative advocacy, and public education:

Looking Forward: 2021 and Beyond

While the 2020 election may be over, it is critical that Connecticut has safe, secure and accessible elections going forward. LWVCT needs your help to continue this vital voter service work. Your gift can help safeguard our elections.

Your support will:

  • Enable LWVCT to continue our mission of Empowering Voters and Defending Democracy through our website.
  • Provide for valuable staff time and expertise to reach more voters through social media.
  • Fund our Zoom account that we make available to all local Leagues in Connecticut.
  • Expand our engagement with voters through the organizing platform OutreachCircle.

Thank you for your past, current and future support!

Carol Reimers, LWVCT President

League to which this content belongs: 