Shared Presidency
Joanne is the president of the LWV Southeastern CT. She has enjoyed moderating and timing political debates and reporting to the AP on election nights. As a Director at Large at the state level, she has enjoyed gathering the local league presidents and chairs of voter services for zoom meetings. She also enjoys looking at the big picture, and was a LWV delegate to the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations this year. She is a retired physical therapist but continues her interest in strengthening the voices of those with special needs. She is a Toastmaster International Distinguished Toastmaster and enjoys public speaking. She is a member of Soroptimist International.
Shared Presidency
Patricia has been interested in electoral politics since canvassing for George McGovern in 1972. Years of school, career, and raising children in New York, Illinois, D. C., and New Jersey distracted her. Arriving in Connecticut before the 2016 election provided strong motivation to refocus.
As part of the New Haven League, Patricia has enjoyed registering voters, monitoring public housing elections, and acting as associate treasurer. During the 2019 legislative season she helped Yvonne Senturia and Judy Lhamon promote Voting Rights in the Legislature. Her support of Planned Parenthood of Southern New England as a weekly worker and action fund member has helped her become familiar with the nonprofit and political landscape in Connecticut.
Before retiring Patricia was an academic book editor and publisher for 35 years. She hopes to use the skills she acquired cajoling authors, salespeople, and bookstore managers to write, sell, and buy books to motivate new voters, volunteers, and legislators to expand voter participation in Connecticut.
Shared Presidency
Dr. Lampkin has been a member of the League of Women Voters since 2012 after returning to her hometown of New Britain, Connecticut. She has resided in Washington DC/Silver Spring Maryland area since 1976 where she attended and graduated from Howard University. Dr. Lampkin also graduated from Maryland Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, obtaining an MA degree in medical acupuncture. Her medical background is extensive, becoming a founding diplomat and board-certified in holistic medicine.
Dr. Lampkin returned to her hometown to care for her aging, elderly parents. Since being back home she decided to volunteer her time with the NAACP, the League of Women Voters, and the Consumer Advisory Council for the state of Connecticut. Peggy is dedicated to her family as an advocate and as an advocate to her community. Peggy believes in service, first to her church and then her community. She enjoys gourmet cooking, walking, and being a member of her local book club.
Vice President Advocacy
Ann joined the Board of the LWVCT in 2023. She is the President of the LWV in Darien. She has been interested in politics for many years and has served as a local elected official in her town's non partisan RTM for the past eight years. Ann had a 25 year career in finance, focused on foreign exchange, trading and prime brokerage. Ann moved to Connecticut in 2000 from New York City where she grew up. Ann has been involved in Moms Demand Action for Gun Safety since 2018 and is very passionate about that topic as well as voting rights for all.
Margaret Conley Heffel was a passionate small business owner and early childhood education leader after moving to Connecticut in 1983 until her retirement in 2020. Throughout her career, she served on the boards of the Connecticut Early Childhood Education Council, Connecticut School Age Child Care Association, Parent Child Resource Center, Connecticut Charts-A-Course, and the Shelton Readiness Council Steering Committee. Marge has a masters degree from Bank Street College of Education in Early Childhood Leadership, 27 Adelphi University graduate credits in Business Administration and a Connecticut Master Director Credential from Charter Oak State College. In her free time, she is an avid reader, golfer and pickleballer, loves spending time with her friends and family (especially her granddaughter) and enjoys registering voters with her daughter (also a LWV member). Marge is currently a member of the League of Women Voters of Bridgeport, and was previously affiliated with the Hamden League. She is looking forward to joining the State Board as Treasurer
Pat Sirulnick joined the League of Women Voters in 2020, a few months after moving to Connecticut from New York City. As a member of the Steering Committee of the LWV Hamden-North Haven, Pat serves as Assistant Treasurer and as a Coordinator of Public Affairs. Pat has enjoyed being involved in various voter registration drives and in organizing educational programs for the Hamden-North Haven communities. Pat also serves on the Board of the Friends of the Hamden Library and is an active member of the AAUW. Pat is a life-long educator with extensive experience in adult education. She also taught English in a small community high school in Brooklyn, New York. After retiring from the New York City Department of Education, Pat began teaching Adult Basic Education at Queens Public Library, Elmhurst. Technology has allowed her to continue teaching in this program, and her students are living in various states and countries. In addition to teaching online, Pat is an ESL tutor with Literacy Volunteers. Working with students from such diverse backgrounds and cultures has been an incredible learning experience. Pat believes strongly in the power of education and the spirit of community.
Director of Communications
Laura Smits has been a member of the League of Women Voters of Connecticut since 1999 when she moved back to her home state after living in The Netherlands and upstate New York for several years. While raising her children in Weston, Laura was an active member of the League and served on the Weston Board of Education from 2001-2005, ran for First Selectperson in 2003 and served as a Registrar of Voters from 2008-2016. She has held two major roles in the state League, as President and prior to that, VP Voter Services. She is a member of the Norwalk League and a certified Elections Moderator for the city of Norwalk.
Director of Development
Celeste LaCroix has been on the Development Team for the Westport Library since 2017, and the Development Team of the UCONN foundation since 2020. She was formerly a copywriter for Cooper Marketing Associates, Job Developer for STAR in Norwalk, Property Manager for Homequity Realty in Virginia and a Realtor for William Pitt Realty in Wilton. Her positions in the League of Woman Voters have included Director of Events, Community Service, Voter Services, President (twice) and she has published the Voter’s Guide, League Directory, and Know Your Town for the Westport league. She has an undergraduate degree from the University of Connecticut, a Master’s degree in Education, Rehabilitation and Drug Counseling from Springfield College and is a graduate of the Realtor Institute.
Vote411 Director
Joan earned a Master’s degree in Public Policy from the University of Maryland and moved to Connecticut in 1986, working as an analyst and data project manager in the insurance sector. She earned a PhD in Sociology from UCONN in 2001. From there she was hired by the Department of Children and Families (DCF), creating and managing the Office for Research and Evaluation. Joan E. Twiggs, PhD has a long history with the League of Women Voters. Her first professional job after graduation from Mt. Holyoke College in 1975 was with the LWVUS. She first worked in the Legislative Action Division as the editor of the League’s Report From the Hill and was a registered lobbyist covering the League’s International Relations portfolio. She then moved to the LWVEF as IR Director. There she developed an Exchange program with the Soviet Women’s Committee among other projects. Joan became active with the League again in 2018 joining the Executive Board of the Greater Hartford League.
After retiring from DCF, Joan provided consulting services. Her principal engagement was the development and implementation of a program entitled “Getting it Right: Creating an LGBT Inclusive Organization”. She lives with her wife, Irene Scheibner, in Bloomfield CT.
Director at Large

Anne was previously in management consulting for both for-profit and non-profit organizations. She graduated from Brown University, received an MBA from the Wharton School, and recently attended the Advanced Leadership Initiative at Harvard.
Director at Large
Bianca Shinn Desras, LWV Stamford
Ms. Bianca Shinn Desras has extensive experience in the field of social services, public health and education. She previously served as Investigation Social Worker with the CT State Department of Children and Families, Minister Counselor at the Permanent Mission of Haiti to the United Nations, and as the Director of Family Advocates at a local charter school. Her interest in the field of public health and education includes adolescent health, urban trauma and impact of parent engagement. She is currently employed at Domus Kids as an Associate Data Strategist. Ms. Shinn Desras is actively involved in her Stamford community as the current Co-Chair of Stamford Health’s Patient and Family Advisory Council, and as a member of the Stamford Vaping Task Force. She is involved with the LWV Stamford and is a member of the Parent Leader Training Institute. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in political science from CSCU; and earned graduate degrees from SCSU in public health, school health education, and urban studies. She is a former Aspen Institute Scholar. She has been quoted for her expertise by The Inter-American Dialogue’s Daily Newspaper “The Dialogue.” Ms. Shinn Desras is committed to advocacy and ensuring that the voices of the most vulnerable are echoed loud. She takes special interest in voter’s engagement among young people of color. Her motto is: “We have to plan with them and not for them. Inclusion matters.” She enjoys hiking, indoor gardening and reading.
Director at Large
Jennifer Dayton, LWV Southeastern CT
Jennifer Dayton earned a Bachelor of Science from Wellesley College and a Master of Science from the London School of Economics. She began her career as a lobbyist in Washington, D.C., working on international trade issues. Jennifer then moved to New York and worked on the transformation of a US bank to a global merchant bank. While raising her family in southwest Connecticut, she was elected to a local legislature and to a local board of education was then appointed to a regional board of education. Jennifer became an area director and then chair of state relations for the CT Association of Boards of Education. Recently, in a southeastern Connecticut town, she served on an economic development commission and is a board member of a nonprofit developer of affordable housing. Her league experience includes moderating discussions on democracy for a program committee and chairing advocacy for a local league. At LWVCT, she is a legislative specialist and coordinator for LWV Transformation.
Marketing and Communications
Rachel completed her BA in International Studies and Spanish at the University of Wyoming, and her Master’s degree in International Development and Global Health at the Korbel School of International Studies. On and off the clock, she is involved in nonpartisan political work to acheive public policy that reflects the will & serves the interests of the people and the planet above the two-party system and corporate profits. In her free time, she enjoys many recreational activities outdoors, playing music, dancing, traveling, and spending time with loved ones.
Operations Manager
Lisa Del Sesto
A Rhode Island native recently returned to New England after living in California, she brings the spirit of her recent activist and organizer work to LWVCT. Lisa Del Sesto has been actively working for women's rights and equality and is thrilled to be a part of the LWVCT contributing to all the League's great work in her role as the Administrative Assistant. She is passionate about voting rights and citizen participation. Lisa has her BA in psychology from The University of North Carolina at Asheville and is currently working toward her Masters in Public Administration - nonprofit management through California State University - Northridge.
Capitol Information and Tours Staff
Kimberly (Kim) Fabrizio
Kim has been a fixture at the CT State Capitol for 30 years. She began her time with Capitol Information and Tours (CIT) in 1991 as a summer intern, moving up to part-time staff and then to Assistant Director. In 2008 she took over as CIT Director and has continued to refine and adapt the Capitol tour program to meet the ever-changing needs of the public and the legislature. She received her BA in History with a certificate in Russian Area Studies from St. Anselm College and her MA in American Studies from Trinity College. Kim is a lifelong resident of Bristol with her husband and 2 children. Kim served two terms on the Bristol Board of Education and held the position of Board Secretary. Kim is a Justice of the Peace and member of the American Legion Auxiliary, CT Department.
Assistant Director
Elaine Ogren-Speranza
A proud Hartford native who loves its rich history, Elaine is graduate of Bulkely High School and attended Manchester Community College. Her previous employment includes the iconic G. Fox & Company; Lux, Bond, & Green Jewelers; banking; and 17 years as a floor director at the Bushnell Theater. A 40-year member of the Connecticut Girl Scouts (scout, leader, and event coordinator), Elaine volunteers for the Wethersfield Historical Society and supports the Webb-Deane-Stevens Museum, the Connecticut Historical Society, and the Children and Family Services. In 2003, she created "MiscElainEOS", a straw lady who debuted at Old Wethersfield's "Scare Crows on Main" and later developed into a series of 72 paintings featuring Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, and MiscElainEOS the tour guide. Elaine joined CIT in 2009 as a volunteer and in 2013 was named Assistant Director. Her goal is to welcome all visitors to the Capitol with a smile and the "red carpet" treatment. She enjoys meeting diverse guests from near and far. She currently resides in Wethersfield with her husband Arthur and cat Freddie. Her daughter, son-in-law, and two grandchildren reside in New York.
Media and Program Manager
Kelly Hansen