League advocacy is carried out by League volunteers. We testify at hearings, provide press conference statements, write letters to the editor and opinion editorials, and submit other written communications to public officials.
The League of Women Voters of Connecticut (LWVCT) retains the limited services of a legislative monitor to track bills on which the LWVCT has a position. We also retain a part-time, paid lobbyist to support LWVCT volunteers who lobby on LWVCT legislative priorities.
Who represents me?
LWVCT publishes a Directory of Elected Officials biennally. The League encourages citizens to use the directory as a resource for contacting their elected officials often and let them know what issues they care about. Due to special elections, we will be updating the online version:
You can also look up your state legislators online:
2021 Advocacy in Review
2021 was an unusual Legislative Session. The State Capitol and Legislative Office Building were both closed to all except Legislators because of COVID-19 pandemic and aftermath. We owe a BIG THANK YOU to all the legislators and League members for their strong support of our work.
Read all testimony submitted by LWVCT members in support or opposition to legislation under consideration during the 2021 CGA General Session. Check back for updates.
2021 Testimony on Legislative Priority Issues
Resources for Writing and Giving Testimony at Public Hearings
- LWVCT Tips for Registering, Submitting Testimony, and Testifying Effectively In-person Remotely
- CT General Assembly Virtual Meetings and Hearings Info Sheet
- LWVUS Handy Guide for Crafting Your Message for Effective Testimony
Connecticut General Assembly and Legislation Information
For additional information about the Connecticut General Assembly, the legislative leadership, the types of committees and more on the CGA website.
A Guide to the CGA Website - A great tool to support effective advocacy.
- About Bills - The Legislative Bill Process
- How a Bill Becomes a Law in CT, Updated January 2021
Past Successful Advocacy Campaigns
What Happened during the previous General Assembly Sessions?
We are proud of our hard working Public Issues Team who has prepared the reports below for you about what happened during the 2019 and 2020 legislative sessions.
What Happened in 2020: LWVCT Advocacy Report
What Happened in 2019: LWVCT Advocacy Report
For more information on what legislation passed and became law, you can read the Connecticut General Assembly 2019 Major Public Acts publication.
Early Voting in Connecticut
While Early Voting failed to get the 75% needed in the CT Senate to get it on the ballot for 2020, we will continue to encourage the General Assembly to pass it. The legislature needs to adopt a resolution by a simple majority of more than 50% in both the House and Senate in two successive legislative terms, which are two years each.
As we will need many of the same legislators to support Early Voting when it comes before them again, we urge you to THANK your legislators if they supported it in the past. It is important that they know you appreciate their vote.
If they did not vote for it, please talk to them and let them know you hope they will support it in the next bill.
House vote: https://www.cga.ct.gov/2019/VOTE/h/pdf/2019HV-00066-R00HJ00161-HV.pdf
Senate vote: https://www.cga.ct.gov/2019/VOTE/s/pdf/2019SV-00088-R00HJ00161-SV.pdf
Help us pave the way for a successful majority support to get Early Voting on the ballot!
Advocacy Resources
Impact on Issues 2017 Government | Natural Resources |
Social Policy
Advocacy Training Handouts
State Election Enforcement Commission proposed_2019_legislation & fact_sheet_1-15-19.pdf
Advocacy 101 2019 Report
Areas of Advocacy
Government | Natural Resources | Social Policy |
We work for a governmental system that is representative, accountable, and responsive. | We work for the protection and sustainability of natural resources. | We work for equal rights and equal opportunity for all, and promote social and economic justice and health and safety. |
Advocacy Topics
- Campaign Finance Reform
- Election Laws, Open Government, Ethics
- Media Issues
- Gun Laws
- Health Care
- Mental Health
- Reproductive Rights
- School Finance
- Air Quality
- Climate Change/Energy
- Land Use
- Transportation
- Waste Management
- Water Resources
Partners in Advocacy
LWVCT actively works in coalition with others to achieve our public policy goals. Coalition work can include actions such as participating in strategy meetings, coordinating testimony and/or action alerts, attending meetings with public officials, and participating in press conferences. Coalitions are listed below by policy area; if there is a lead Coalition partner that provides staffing support, they are indicated in parentheses.
- Clean Up CT Coalition
- Common Cause
- Connecticut Citizen Election Audit Coalition
Natural Resources
- Citizens Transportation Lobby
- Clean Water Action
- CT Climate Coalition
- CT League of Conservation Voters
- Endangered Lands Coalition (CT Fund for the Environment)
- New England Climate Coalition
- Sound Alliance (Save the Sound)
- Transit for Connecticut Coalition (CT Fund for the Environment)
Social Policy
- CAGV: Connecticut Against Gun Violence
- Coalition for Choice
- Citizens Network of the Capital Region
- CT Coalition for Justice in Education Funding
- CT Housing Coalition and Home CT
- Keep the Promise Coalition (National Association of Mental Illness CT)
- Health Care4EveryOne (United Health Care Foundation)