Prospective Candidates

Prospective Candidates

CT Capitol Building

Resources for those thinking about running for office or candidates participating in a League hosted debate or forum.  

Visit the Secretary of the State's website for:
How to qualify for a League hosted debate:

What is the Citizens' Election Program?

Connecticut was the first state to develop and enact comprehensive campaign finance reform that provides public (but not tax-funded) financing for candidates for the General Assembly and state offices. The LWVCT strongly believes that campaign finance reform and its oversight by adequately funded regulatory agencies and/or commissions is necessary to ensure the public's "right to know", combat corruption, prevent undue influence, and enable candidates to compete equitably and fairly in the pursuit of public office and/or service.

CEP in the News

Common Cause CT 2020 Report - Amplifying Small-Dollar Donorsin the Citizens United Era: Connecticut’s Citizens’ Election Program Shifted the Balance of Power to the People

CT News Junkie - Public Financing Makes Connecticut A National Model for Small-Dollar Donor Laws Sept. 10. 2020

CT Mirror - New study: CT’s Citizens’ Elections Program has become a national model for clean elections Sept. 14, 2020

CT Insider - Report: Public financing has added women, minority legislators in CT Sept. 15, 2020

CEProud was a three year commitment (2016-2019) by LWVCT to raise awareness of the Citizens' Election Program - Connecticut's model program for publicly financed campaigns.

Visit the CEProud website to learn more