Connecticut Women's Suffrage

Connecticut Women's Suffrage

Black and gold plaque commemorating some of Connecticut's women suffragists.
Annie Brewer Austin Edith Hastings Emma W. Rogers
Josephine B. Bennett Katharine H. Hepburn Mary Jane Rogers
Mary Bulkley Julia M. Hinaman Caroline Ruutz-Rees
Frances Ellen Burr Maud Morris Hincks Sandol M. Stoddard
Elsie Rowland Chase Isabella Beecher Hooker Amelia E. S. Taylor
Susan J. Cheney Katharine Ludington Augusta Troup
Rosamond Danielson Harriet F. Maltby Edna L. Tyler
Katharine Beach Day Valeria H. Parker Mabel C. Washburn
Charlotte Perkins Gilman Emily M. Pierson Josepha Whitney
Sally Fanny Gleaton Annie G. Porritt Lillian C. Worrall
   Miranda C. B. Robinson  
Blog Post

Read more about some of these important women who fought for women's right to vote in Connecticut.

Notable LWVCT Leaders 100 Years Ago

In the News

The Long Road to Women's Suffrage in Connecticut. Connecticut Explored article written by Jessica D. Jenkins.

Tribute Film

Produced by the Connecticut Women's Hall of Fame in 2020, this short film tells the story of Connecticut's early suffragists, including several of the women featured on the plaque.