The Black Heritage Project at CT State Community College Capital

The Black Heritage Project at CT State Community College Capital


Connecticut US
Tuesday, January 23, 2024 - 12:00pm

Dr. Frank Mitchell, Curator of the Nutmeg Pulpit Exhibition
Professor Antoinette Brim-Bell, Capital Community College Faculty and CT State Poet Laureate 
Dr. Duncan Harris, CEO of CT State Community College Capital 

This online event is FREE and open to the general public

To kickoff 2024, the Connecticut Freedom Trail highlights The Black Heritage Project, which celebrates the people and history of the Talcott Street Church, Hartford’s first Black church and site of Hartford’s first school for Black children. The historic Talcott Street Church site is next to Connecticut State Community College Capital’s building but remains unmarked and unnoticed. Capital is seeking to raise awareness of the site’s significance with three specific strategies, each of which will be explored in this presentation: the Nutmeg Pulpit exhibition, curriculum development, and the annual Pennington Lecture.

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