Election Reforms and Voting Freedoms in Connecticut and Nationwide

Election Reforms and Voting Freedoms in Connecticut and Nationwide

Common Cause Voting Rights in CT End of Year Update December 2021 image


Online - Zoom
Connecticut US
Wednesday, December 22, 2021 - 7:00pm

From Common Cause Connecticut:


You are invited to join the conversation on the latest on election reforms and voting freedoms in Connecticut and nationwide. This virtual year-end update will feature Karen Hobert Flynn, President of Common Cause—as well as Bilal Dabir Sekou, PhD, Chair of the Common Cause in Connecticut Advisory Board.

You probably understand more than most people that hyper-partisan politicians in other states want to sabotage our elections, relitigate the 2020 results, and overrule the will of the voters.  State legislatures across the country have also launched shameful attacks on our right to vote.

And yet, here in Connecticut, we've demonstrated that when we mobilize, We the People have an enormous amount of power.  

In fact, with your help, we can spearhead efforts to make Connecticut an example for the rest of the country--ensuring the positive reforms we’ve won in 2021 are put into action--and fighting off any potential backlash from partisan actors who want to make it harder to vote.

There’s just so much riding on next year’s elections at both the state and national levels. That's why it's so important to pass federal legislation that will strengthen our freedom to vote so that we all, regardless of political party, background, or where we live, have an equal say in the future for our family and community.