Finding Common Ground: A Nonpartisan Conversation With Former Members Of Congress

Finding Common Ground: A Nonpartisan Conversation With Former Members Of Congress

graphic with text describing an event called Finding Common Ground and images of two former U.S. representatives


Connecticut's Old State House
800 Main St.
Hartford Connecticut 06103
Connecticut US
Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm

Join us at Connecticut’s Old State House for an insightful conversation with former U.S. Representatives Loretta Sanchez (D) from California’s 46th Congressional District, and Fred Upton (R) from Michigan’s 6th Congressional District, as they explore how to find common ground across party lines in this contentious election year. With their extensive experience in policy making, Sanchez and Upton will share their perspectives on overcoming political polarization, fostering constructive dialogue, and working together for the common good. 

This conversation will provide valuable insights into how lawmakers and voters can bridge divides and collaborate effectively amidst a highly charged political climate. The panel will be followed by timed round table discussions with the audience where all can participate and share their experience in finding common ground. Light refreshments will be served. This program is done in partnership with The Dodd Center for Human Rights at UConn.

With special guests:

Former Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D) California’s 46th Congressional District
Former Rep. Fred Upton (R) Michigan’s 6th Congressional District

Please register in advance at the link above.