Onilne Event
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Connecticut US
Thursday, July 16, 2020 - 6:00pm to Friday, July 17, 2020 - 5:45pm
LWVCT is joining with Common Cause Connecticut and other organizations to present a workshop on absentee voting in Connecticut.
YES--all eligible, active Democrat and Republican voters CAN vote by mail using absentee ballots due to COVID-19 for the August 11th, 2020 CT primary elections!
Join the Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/98518332571
Meeting ID: 985 1833 2571
One tap mobile +16468769923,,98518332571# US (New York) +13017158
Never voted absentee? We'll show you how! Zoom in and find out how to:
A) Get an absentee ballot application if you didn't get one in the mail or can't find it.
1. Go here now to print one out: https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/SOTS/ElectionServices/COVID-19/ED-3-English-Rev-2020.pdf
B) Correctly fill out and mail in your absentee ballot application:
1. Check the box for your party so you get the correct ballot.
2. Check the box for COVID-19. The reason you are voting by
3. Sign and date the form.
4. Be sure that the correct address appears in the return
envelope window. When you stuff your envelope the first time,
it's easy to do it wrong. You want your town government
address in the mailing envelope window.
5. Mail in your application or drop it in your town's new tamper
proof ballot drop-box and wait for your absentee ballot.
C) Tell your state legislators they must allow all eligible voters to vote safely and securely by mail using absentee ballots for the November general election!
Never voted absentee? We'll show you how! Zoom in and find out how to:
A) Get an absentee ballot application if you didn't get one in the mail or can't find it.
1. Go here now to print one out: https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/SOTS/ElectionServices/COVID-19/ED-3-English-Rev-2020.pdf
B) Correctly fill out and mail in your absentee ballot application:
1. Check the box for your party so you get the correct ballot.
2. Check the box for COVID-19. The reason you are voting by
3. Sign and date the form.
4. Be sure that the correct address appears in the return
envelope window. When you stuff your envelope the first time,
it's easy to do it wrong. You want your town government
address in the mailing envelope window.
5. Mail in your application or drop it in your town's new tamper
proof ballot drop-box and wait for your absentee ballot.
C) Tell your state legislators they must allow all eligible voters to vote safely and securely by mail using absentee ballots for the November general election!
Additional Event Hosts:
Common Cause CTYWCA New BritainConnecticut Citizen Action GroupConnecticut League of Conservation Voters Connecticut Chapter Sierra ClubEpiscopal Church in ConnecticutSouthern New England United Conference United Church of ChristIssues referenced by this event: