Let's Talk About: Digital Threats to Democracy

Let's Talk About: Digital Threats to Democracy

Let's talk about: Digital Threats to Democracy image


Wednesday, January 29, 2025 - 5:00pm

Let's Talk About: Digital Threats to Democracy is presented by the Leagues of Women Voters of Maine, Alaska, and Colorado.

January's topic is The Media Revolution.

Michael Tomasky is the editor of The New Republic and the author of five books, including his latest and critically acclaimed The Middle Out: The Rise of Progressive Economics and a Return to Shared Prosperity. He is also the Shapiro Fellow at the School  of Media and Public Affairs, Columbian College of Arts & Sciences, The George Washington University. And he is editor of Democracy: A Journal of Ideas. With extensive experience as an editor, columnist, progressive commentator, and contributing opinion writer for such renowned publications such as The Guardian, The New York Times, the Daily Beast, and many others, Tomasky has been a trusted voice in political journalism for more than three decades. 

Suggested reading:

About the series:

Disinformation. Conspiracy theories. Extremism. Surveillance. Our democracy is threatened as never before by toxic online content. The social media giants seem unable, or in some cases unwilling, to control the flood of lies and manipulative practices. The staggering — often hidden — reach of Big Tech into our lives endangers civil society, our civil rights, and our privacy. In a "post-truth" world we risk losing the shared understanding that underpins our democracy. 

Each month, we explore a different facet of this crisis with guest experts. Join us to learn, discuss, and work on possible solutions.