LWV of Fairfield CPTV CUTLINE Broadcast, Did You Know: Voting Rights and Wrongs - In Connecticut

LWV of Fairfield CPTV CUTLINE Broadcast, Did You Know: Voting Rights and Wrongs - In Connecticut

Your Voice Your VOte


Connecticut Public Television Channels - CPTV
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 - 11:00pm

Miss this great session on April 28th? Take advantage of the third of four opportunities to see Did You Know: Voting Rights and Wrongs – in Connecticut with Patricia Rossi, Advocacy and Public Affairs Vice President, League of Women Voters of Connecticut and Jonathan Perloe, Leader, Voters Choice Connecticut. You’ll hear the facts on how the independent, nonpartisan counting of votes and certification of election results works in Connecticut and get a review of Connecticut legislation introduced over the last several years affecting the voting process, positively and negatively. Watch on CPTV.


Patricia Rossi Headshot 2022Patricia Rossi serves as the Vice President for Advocacy and Public Affairs for the State League of Women Voters.  She works with the advocacy team to educate the public and elected officials on the issues League members have designated as priorities: Voting Rights, Open Government, Clean Elections, and Reversing Climate Change. From 2019-2021 she served as the League’s People Powered Fair Maps Champion for Connecticut. 



Jonathan Perloe photo

Jonathan Perloe co-founded and leads Voter Choice Connecticut, the citizens’ group working to bring Ranked Choice Voting to Connecticut. Since the 2016 election, he has been active in efforts to protect and expand voting rights and strengthen our democracy, including the successful grassroots effort to get Connecticut to join the National Popular Vote Compact. Jonathan now serves as Director of Communications for CT Against Gun Violence.