LWV Litchfield presents 'All Honor to the Ladies': Litchfield County Women and the Civil War Lecture with Peter Vermilyea

LWV Litchfield presents 'All Honor to the Ladies': Litchfield County Women and the Civil War Lecture with Peter Vermilyea

LWV of Litchfield County


Online - Zoom
Connecticut US
Sunday, January 23, 2022 - 3:30pm

The League of Women Voters of Litchfield County and the Litchfield Historical Society are thrilled to welcome teacher, historian, and author, Peter Vermilyea for a virtual lecture on the work of women during the Civil War. The Lecture will be held over Zoom on Sunday, January 23, 2022 at 3:00 PM.  To Register visit www.litchfieldhistoricalsociety.org or, email registration [at] litchfieldhistoricalsociety.org

The coming of the Civil War posed unprecedented challenges for Northern society. The federal government had no experience and little authority to meet the logistical demands of sending armies to war. Consequently, much of this task fell to local communities. At the forefront of the efforts to support Connecticut soldiers were Ladies' Aid Societies. This talk will explore how these organizations provided for Union soldiers while also providing women with opportunities to exercise political agency and gain leadership and organizational experience that would prove instrumental in post-war reform movements.

Headshot of Professor Peter VermilyeaPeter Vermilyea teaches history at Housatonic Valley Regional High School in Falls Village. A graduate of Gettysburg College, he is the scholarship director at his alma mater's Civil War Institute. He is currently completing a book on Litchfield County and the coming of the Civil War.

This lecture is part of a partnership series between the Litchfield Historical Society and the League of Women Voters of Litchfield County. The League of Women Voters of Litchfield County is a grassroots, nonpartisan political organization of women and men.

The lecture will be presented over Zoom and spots are limited. We recommend pre-registering early. To Register visit www.litchfieldhistoricalsociety.org or, email registration [at] litchfieldhistoricalsociety.org ().  

For more information about the Society or other programs and events, please visit www.litchfieldhistoricalsociety.org or call (860) 567-4501.