LWV Ridgefield - Meet Your Legislators

LWV Ridgefield - Meet Your Legislators

LWV Ridgefield Logo


Online - Zoom
Connecticut US
Saturday, April 2, 2022 - 10:00am to 12:30pm

The League of Women Voters of Ridgefield and the Ridgefield Library present an online Meet Your Legislators’ meeting with Aimee Berger-Girvalo, 111th District State Representative; Kenneth Gucker,138th District State  Representative; and Will Haskell, 26th District State Senator.

Members of the CT State Legislature will discuss what is happening at the CT State Capitol and let their constituents know where they stand on important issues. They will provide insight into the current legislative session and discuss the bills before the current session that are of particular interest to the League and their constituents.

Questions: Members of the public who pre-register for the meeting on the Library’s website can send in questions for the Legislators from March 26th  to 30th by emailing the League at  inforlwv [at] gmail.com (). Questions must be brief, of general interest to the audience, and about state business and not about personal matters. There will be no live Q&A via Zoom on 4/02.

Please register to receive the Zoom link.

Contact Information
inforlwv [at] gmail.com