LWV Ridgefield Presents: Did She Just Say That? Women’s Voices, Impropriety, and The Power of Speaking Up with Gina Barreca

LWV Ridgefield Presents: Did She Just Say That? Women’s Voices, Impropriety, and The Power of Speaking Up with Gina Barreca

Headshot of Author Gina Barreca
Thursday, March 4, 2021 - 7:00pm to Friday, March 5, 2021 - 6:45pm

Ridgefield Library and the League of Women Voters of Ridgefield present this special program in celebration of Women's History Month.

This cheerful and invigorating discussion about securing a woman’s right to vote, a woman’s right to be heard, and to be regarded as fully an American citizen and human being, will be led by Gina Barreca, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor at UCONN, humorist, and author of ten trouble-making books. Gina will also discuss her new book Fast Funny Women

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