LWV Westport's Civics Education Program - Know Your Town: Representative Town Meeting

LWV Westport's Civics Education Program - Know Your Town: Representative Town Meeting

Westport Connectictu League of Women Voters Banner


The Westport Library
20 Jesup Rd
Westport Connecticut 06880
Connecticut US
Wednesday, March 23, 2022 - 7:00pm

 Register to attend in person

Register to attend via Zoom 

What is Westport’s Representative Town Meeting (RTM) form of government? Our panel will explain the history, the process, the power, and the limitations of this very important part of Westport’s governance.

Moderated by: Joan Hogan Gillman

Featuring the following panelists:

Velma Heller will discuss the origins and history of the RTM.

Matthew Mandel will explain the RTM process, what it can do and what it cannot.

RTM Moderator Jeff Wieser will ask you to consider running for this important office.