Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Action: No Celebration Without Legislation - Deliver on Voting Rights

Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Action: No Celebration Without Legislation - Deliver on Voting Rights

Image of Martin Luther King Jr casting a ballot with quote from Letter from a Birmingham Jail


Virtual Event
Connecticut US
Monday, January 17, 2022 - 12:00am to 11:45pm

CONGRESS DELIVERED FOR BRIDGES, NOW IT MUST DELIVER FOR VOTING RIGHTS. President Biden and Congress invested trillions in our bridges, roads and trains. Now voters are demanding they pass national voting rights legislation and deliver for democracy. 

Dr. King’s family: Martin Luther King III, Arndrea Waters King, and Yolanda Renee King–along with faith leaders, civil rights leaders, and voting rights advocates across the country – have called for us to focus on demanding voting rights legislation and access to the ballot box this year.

On Monday 1/17, communities across the country will honor Dr. King's legacy by demanding our elected officials pass the Freedom to Vote: John R Lewis Act, without letting outdated Senate loopholes get in the way.

We need to send a message to our leaders: no celebration without legislation.

Join us as we honor Dr. King with action.

Take Action: Call your Senators & President Biden! 

  • Now is the time contact Senator Chris Murphy and Senator Richard Blumenthal to tell them to keep up the pressure and push for the passage of the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act.

  • Call the White House: Schedule a time in your calendar to call the White House Comment Line to urge them to pass voting rights legislation. The comment line is open from Tuesday - Thursday from 11 AM - 2 PM ET. Dial 202-456-1111 to get connected.

The American People want and deserve reforms that will

  • Protect and ensure the freedom to vote;
  • Address historical barriers to voting;
  • Put a checking on voting rights violations:
  • Hold states and bad actors accountable; and
  • Create a democracy that is representative of all Americans

Visit the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Action for more information about the Washington D.C. Peace Walk on January 17 at 9:00 AM