Redding Community Center
37 Lonetown Rd
See map: Google Maps
Connecticut US
Monday, April 18, 2022 - 7:30pm
Please attend the special town meeting tonight to learn about and vote on expenditures of the ARPA funds.
The Town of Redding will receive $2,697,885.54 from American Rescue Plan Act funds, distributed in two tranches.
WHAT: A Special Town Meeting to vote on ARPA funds distributions
WHEN: Monday, April 18 at 7:30 at the Redding Community Center
PURPOSE: to consider and vote upon the following transfers/expenditures from the American Rescue Plan Fund as recommended by the American Rescue Plan Funds Working Group and as approved by the Board of Selectmen.
1. $50,000 to establish a Social Services Covid Relief Fund to be administered by the Director of Social Services;
2. $45,000 to fund salary for a full-time Senior Center Program Coordinator;
3. Up to $180,000 for installation of a dry hydrant at the Lonetown Marsh.
To learn more about ARPA funds go to : https://townofreddingct.org/arpa/
Kim O'Rielly, M.S.W
President, Redding League of Women Voters