The Transportation and Climate Initiative: Improving Regional Health for All

The Transportation and Climate Initiative: Improving Regional Health for All

Transportation Climate Initiative Event Flyer May 20 2021


Online - Zoom
Connecticut US
Thursday, May 20, 2021 - 4:00pm to Friday, May 21, 2021 - 4:45pm

Rhode Island and Connecticut are at a critical point in advancing the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI).


Join The League of Women Voters of Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts, joined by TCI experts and advocates on May 20. We will learn how we can all help reduce pollution that causes respiratory diseases such as asthma while investing in modern, clean, regional transportation solutions. TCI is designed to benefit anyone who breathes air in the region, but especially children and those who live in environmental justice communities who are disproportionately impacted by air pollution.

Cosponsors: League of Women Voters of Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, Transportation Team of LWV US Climate Interest Group, The Acadia Center, Ceres, Green Energy Consumer Alliance, and Transportation for Massachusetts

Learn more about the Transportation and Climate Initiative

Missed the live event? Watch here: