Untangling the Tally: Media and Elections

Untangling the Tally: Media and Elections

Flyer for election process series at the CT old state house


Connecticut's Old State House
800 Main Street
Hartford Connecticut
Connecticut US
Thursday, October 20, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Untangling the Tally: Take a deep dive into how modern elections work and the various ways citizens engage with this core system of democracy. This series aims to untangle the logistics of elections, the role of technology and news coverage during elections, and the challenges faced by electors today to help build trust in their ability to participate in our government with confidence.

October 20: Media and Elections @ Noon-1pm

The media plays a fundamental role in any democracy, and all eyes are on the news on Election Day. From traditional news anchors, to independent reporters on Twitter, we have minute to minute election updates available right at our fingertips. But this overabundance of information can easily lead to confusion, misinformation, and the creation of echo chambers. 

Join our panel of experts: Mara Suttmann-Lea, Asst. Prof. of American Politics at Connecticut College; Christine Stuart, Editor at CT News Junkie; Belinha de Abreu, President of the International Council for Media Literacy; and Mercy A. Quaye, Founder & President of The Narrative Project, who will discuss the role of news coverage and social media on Election day and the days leading up to it, and how we can protect ourselves from disinformation and find trustworthy sources. Moderated by Anita Ford-Saunders, Communication Strategist.


Anita Ford Saunders, Communications Strategist– moderator
Mara Suttman-Lea, Assistant Professor of American Politics at the Department of Government and International Relations at Connecticut College
Christine Stuart, CT News Junkie 
Belinha de Abreu, Media Literacy Educator & Author
Mercy A. Quaye, Founder & President, The Narrative Project


For more information: https://ctdemocracycenter.org/tally/

Contact Information
Connecticut's Old State House