Weston LWV Presents: Guest Speaker Kay Maxwell on the League’s International Engagement

Weston LWV Presents: Guest Speaker Kay Maxwell on the League’s International Engagement

Kay J Maxwell Headshot


Online - ZOOM
Connecticut US
Thursday, September 24, 2020 - 7:30pm

Weston League of Women Voters to host “live” talk by Kay Maxwell on the League’s international engagement

League celebrates 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote

WESTON, CT—The League of Women Voters of Weston will present Kay J. Maxwell, past president of the League of Women Voters Kay J Maxwell Headshotof the United States and former executive director of the World Affairs Forum, as its speaker at the 20th Betty Hill Forum on International Affairs on Thursday September 24 at 7:30pm.  

The talk is free and open to the public.  It will be presented on Zoom so registration is required to receive the link.  To register please contact: LWVofWeston [at] gmail.com

Ms. Maxwell will speak on "The League in the World: A Personal Perspective." During her 30 years of service with the League of Women Voters, Ms. Maxwell held numerous leadership posts at different levels within the national organization.  She was an active participant in the U.S. Department of State’s International Speakers and CitizensConnect Programs.  Since 1999, she has traveled extensively to conduct civic participation training for women political, NGO and business leaders.

"As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of women winning the right to vote and the founding of the League of Women Voters, Weston’s Betty Hill Forum offers a unique opportunity to focus on the League’s engagement in the world,” said Ms. Maxwell. “The suffrage movement itself was an international one and from its inception, the League has studied, taken positions on and advocated on a variety of international issues.

"Another aspect of the League’s international engagement is sharing the expertise of the League with organizations in other nations.  I was privileged to engage personally by participating in conferences in Kuwait and Rwanda, helping to train the leadership of a newly created League of Women Voters in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and conducting workshops in Israel and the West Bank.  I look forward to sharing my personal perspective on the value of the League in our country and around the world," said Ms. Maxwell.

Ms. Maxwell’s leadership in the League and her commitment to strengthening democracy worldwide has earned her several honors, including the first “Citizen of the Year” award from the Connecticut Secretary of the State in 1993, the 1999 BRAVA Award for Career and Volunteer Accomplishments from the YWCA of Greenwich, the “Woman Who Makes a Difference” award from the International Women’s Forum in 2003, the Liberty Bell Award from the Fairfield County Bar Association in 2019 and the Community Impact Award from Planned Parenthood of Southern New England in 2020.

The Betty Hill Forum on International Affairs was inaugurated in 2000 by the League of Women Voters of Weston to honor Weston resident Betty Hill, a life member of the national League and an active long-time member of the local League. “Her belief in the importance of women being engaged citizens, well-informed about issues at all levels of government, from the local to the global, was an inspiration to us all,” noted Helen de Keijzer, convener of Weston’s League. “Her votes in the 1920 election were among the first cast by Connecticut women.”

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan organization that encourages active and informed participation of citizens in government and seeks to increase understanding of public policy issues. Among its other programs, the Weston League sponsors: candidate debates; an annual “Speak Up” giving residents an opportunity to ask questions of town officials and State legislators; events on important public issues affecting everyone; and, publications such as its “Know Your Town Directory.”

To become a member, support the activities of the Weston League, or get more information, please contact convener Helen R. de Keijzer by phone: 203-226-7830 or by email: HRdeKeijzer [at] gmail.com.



The League of Women Voters of Westonwill present Kay J. Maxwell, past president of the League of Women Voters of the United States and former executive director of the World Affairs Forum, as its speaker at the 20th Betty Hill Forum on International Affairs on Thursday September 24 at 7:30pm.  

The talk is free and open to the public.  It will be presented on Zoom so registration is required to receive the link.  To register please contact: LWVofWeston [at] gmail.com

Contact Information
LWVofWeston [at] gmail.com