LWVCT has been invited by the LWV Naperville Illinois to take part in a conversation/event about...
Why We Should Abolish the Electoral College
One of the (many) burning questions in American democracy is why we continue to hang on to an antiquated institution like the Electoral College which does not represent one person, one vote. The electoral college system is a relic from the 18th century that was a last-minute compromise. It has evolved in unexpected ways, and includes loopholes that allow for manipulation of the popular vote.
Abolition of the Electoral College will be a topic at our June convention in Denver where the Inter-League Electoral College Committee is working to make it a Recommended Program Item. Get ready for the discussion now by attending this presentation from a long-standing team of experts.
Our speakers will be Joyce Williams, a founding member of the Inter-League Electoral College Committee, and special guest, Keileigh Dantzer, from The National Vote.
May 11, 2022 8:00PM
Register in advance for this meeting: