Wilton LWV Annual Meeting: Stop By For a Cup of Coffee

Wilton LWV Annual Meeting: Stop By For a Cup of Coffee

Logo for LWV Wilton


Comstock Community Center
180 School Rd
Wilton Connecticut 06897
Connecticut US
Thursday, June 2, 2022 - 11:30am

Please join members of the Wilton League of Women Voters for an informal chat about the League’s principles, priorities and programs. We’ll have coffee – feel free to bring a brown bag lunch as well – and will follow with our Annual Meeting at 12:15p, which is open to all.


How can we make our town an even better place to live?

How do state laws get proposed/written/passed?

I already vote on Election Day - are there ways to affect the choices on the ballot?

Is it possible to participate as a citizen outside of the political parties?

What does "nonpartisan" even mean?

Contact Information
wiltonlwv [at] gmail.com