Wilton LWV: Virtual Annual Meeting with guest speaker Meredith Ramsey of Wilton High School

Wilton LWV: Virtual Annual Meeting with guest speaker Meredith Ramsey of Wilton High School

Wilton LWV Opening Meeting on Sept 22 2020  Event Image


Virtual Event Wilton Connecticut
Connecticut US
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 - 7:00pm to Wednesday, September 23, 2020 - 6:45pm

Join the Wilton LWV Thursday, September 22th at 7:00 pm for a virtual opening meeting of 2020-2021.  The meeting will begin with guest speaker Meredith Ramsey, Wilton High School Social Studies teacher.  Ramsey will be discussing her recent participation in the Harvard Case Method Civics Workshop, an initiative formed to bring case method teaching to high schools to deepen students' understanding of American history and democracy.

Based on the highly successful experience of Harvard Business School and other graduate and professional programs that use case-based teaching, the method encompasses 22 cases based on historical documents that can be employed to strengthen high school education, and ensure a more exciting, relevant, and effective experience for students and teachers across a range of subjects. The case method can be especially successful at engaging students with topics in history and democracy, and it has shown to present a unique opportunity to help reverse the broad decline in civic education and civic engagement in the United States.

Since 2017, 50 League chapters from 22 states have sent over 80 teachers to the workshop.  The Wilton LWV is participating in this initiative and committed to sponsor Ramsey for the 2020 workshop.

NOTE: RSVP to wiltonlwv [at] gmail.com and a unique ZOOM meeting link will be sent to you.


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Wilton LWV
wiltonlwv [at] gmail.com