All Greater Hartford Subscribed Action Alerts

Image of the White house with the American Flag in the Foreground

Action Alerts

Call the White House and demand that the Biden-Harris Administration get the Senate to fix or NIX the filibuster and PASS the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. The LWVUS will drive this message home with a demonstration in front of the White House on November 17. We can support that action from Connecticut by calling the White House now.

Time for Action

Action Alerts

Write or call both Senator Blumenthal and Senator Murphy, thank them for their efforts so far, and tell them: "It doesn’t matter if we have bridges and budgets if our democracy fails: keep the Senate focused on the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act!"

Time for Action

Action Alerts

The freedom to vote is under direct assault across the country, especially for women, Black and brown Americans, and people with disabilities. Federal voting rights protections cannot wait and are vital to saving the soul of our democracy. Call on the Biden-Harris White House to do everything within their power to protect voting rights.

Time for Action

Action Alerts

The fight for voting rights has been a long and enduring battle. And the newly released Freedom to Vote Act is a transformative voting rights bill that will protect and expand the right to vote, decrease the influence of money in politics and curb partisan gerrymandering. This legislation will put power back into the hands of American voters by prioritizing voting access and participation, while also modernizing future elections to ensure a system that everyone can trust. Contact your Representative TODAY and tell them to pass the Freedom to Vote Act.

People Powered Fair Maps Logo Light

Action Alerts

We are asking league members, friends and supporters to help shine a light on redistricting both this year and in future cycles. Please reach out to your Connecticut House and Senate members to ask that the current Reapportionment Commission conduct their business transparently and to make plans to require transparency during every Redistricting cycle.

People Powered Fair Maps Logo Light

Action Alerts

Long-awaited Redistricting has begun and the districts created this year will be in place for ten years. LWVCT is urging our members to speak out to stress the importance of Fair Maps. Attend one of the two upcoming public hearings!

Time for Action

Action Alerts

At this critical moment in our nation’s history, as the freedom to vote remains under threat, we need pro-voter legislation more than ever! Tell your representatives to vote yes on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and live up to the full promise of American democracy.

SB 5 Action Alert

Action Alerts

Contact House Leadership and your own State Rep NOW and urge them to pass SB 5. This bill would make our elections more accessible, safe, and secure and build confidence in elections and government.

SB 5 Action Alert

Action Alerts

Contact your State Rep NOW and urge them to pass SB 5. This bill would make our elections more accessible, safe, and secure and build confidence in elections and government.

Action Alerts

HJ58 passed in the House of Representatives and now the Senate needs to vote. If you have not been in touch with your state Senator recently, contact them and ask them to urge Senate leadership to bring the resolution to the floor for a vote.
