All Greater Hartford Subscribed Action Alerts

Action Alerts

More than 100 years after some women gained the right to vote, women in the US continue to face inequities based on sex and gender. Despite the significant advances made in recent decades, there have also been enormous roadblocks to progress and devastating steps backward. Please add your name to this petition urging Congress to protect women’s rights to vote, ensure that the ERA is added to the Constitution, and restore reproductive freedom for all.

Action Alert - League of Women Voters (Vote for Your Rights)

Action Alerts

Voting is a fundamental right, and all Americans deserve an equal opportunity to make their voices heard in our democracy.

Increased accessibility to the electoral process ensures that every eligible voter can exercise their right to vote. Congress must know how the people feel: empowering eligible voters to cast their ballot strengthens our democracy.

Please add your name to show Congress that we support voting rights!

Action Alert - League of Women Voters (Protestors with US flag)

Action Alerts

The history of voting rights is largely one of bipartisan cooperation. We'd like to see the introduction of bipartisan legislation that includes expanding early voting, allowing no-excuse absentee voting, implementing automatic and online voter registration, improving operations of the Election Assistance Commission, improving language access, and ensuring proper voter list maintenance.

Tell Democrats and Republicans to work together on voting rights.

Call to Action Banner

Action Alerts

Act now! We anticipate a vote on CAMPAIGN FINANCE OMNIBUS BILL by Saturday night. Connecticut’s Citizens Election Program is a voluntary program which provides clean elections financing to qualified candidates for statewide offices and the General Assembly. The existing text of the bill contains one extremely problematic provision that would place any online expenditures beyond the reach of the CEP program. Contact your Senator and let them know we cannot let that happen.

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Action Alerts

House Bill 6667: AN ACT ADDRESSING GUN VIOLENCE provides much needed legislation to enhance the safety of our communities. In the last 60 days, we have seen horrific gun violence across our country, with more than 80 mass shootings in our country. Write to your legislative representatives today by email to ask them to co-sponsor the bill.

Call to Action Banner

Action Alerts

Senate Bill 6667 provides much needed legislation to enhance the safety of our communities. Please send an email to the Judiciary Committee in support of this bill with an added provision to prohibit fire arms at polling locations. Voters need to be able to exercise the right to vote without fear of violence or threat. The committee must release its Joint Favorable report on any bills they want to be considered by the full house and senate by March 31st, so we must act quickly to let them know we want these bills moved forward.

Call to Action Banner

Action Alerts

Our Legislative Specialists for the Environment and Climate have identified two bills as the most likely to have an impact if passed. Please write to co-chairs of the Environment Committee, Senator Lopes and Representative Gresko in support of SB1145 and HJ37. The committee must release its Joint Favorable report on any bills they want to be considered by the full house and senate by March 27th, so we must act quickly to let them know we want these bills moved forward.


Action Alerts

More than 100 years after some women gained the right to vote, people in the United States are still not constitutionally guaranteed equality on the basis of sex. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) will update the US Constitution to protect the equality of rights under the law regardless of sex.

Tell your representatives they must ensure that the ERA is published.

Time for Action

Action Alerts

Contact your representatives today and tell them now is the time to root out dark money that has an increasing influence on our federal elections. Encourage your representatives to support the DISCLOSE Act.


Action Alerts

Increasing the language accessibility of voting materials allows voters to feel confident in voting and become educated and informed as they vote on high-priority issues in their communities. Tell your representatives to pass the Expanding the Voluntary Opportunities for Translations in Elections (VOTE) Act (HR 8770) to increase access to translated voting materials.
