The New Britain Area League of Women Voters includes New Britain, Berlin, Plainville, Farmington, and Unionville.
Information and Mission
What is the League of Women Voters?
The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan, grassroots local, state, and national organization of women and men that believes that informed citizens can make a difference in government on the local, state and national levels. League members learn about issues that affect our daily lives and then take action - including lobbying legislators to improve existing laws. We do not support candidates or parties, but we do support issues which are selected by our members. We are involved in Candidate Forums, Voter Registration, Voter Service Activities, we present topical discussions and lobby for League supported issues at the local, state and federal levels. We also enjoy each others' company!
What are some of the League's concerns?
- Informing the public about candidates in an unbiased manner
- Campaign finance reform
- Immigration
- Adequate housing
- Education funding
- Charter Revision
- Health care
- Internet Neutrality
- Lowering domestic violence
- Gun Control
What does the League of New Britain Do?
- Conducts and televises candidate forums
- Provides public forums to explore complex issues giving both pro and con viewpoints on topics such as health care, gambling, New Britain’s watershed concerns, school vouchers, charter revision, marijuana laws and environmental issues
- Registers new voters
- Provides forums for the public to interact with state and city officials
- Provides information on city government and services
Why Join the League of Women Voters, New Britain Area?
- Meet dynamic concerned people who care about the local communities of New Britain and Berlin, Connecticut and our nation
- Learn about problems that concern us all and initiating actions to help remedy these problems
- Become an informed voter
- Learn or improve your leadership skills
- Become a member of an organization that strives to make democracy work
Join Us!
Join the League of Women Voters, New Britain Area TODAY!
Do it for: Yourself, Your Community and for a more workable, democratic, political government
Help the League Make Democracy Work!
To Join:
Join the LWV Amity!
Please fill out the online new member application by clicking here.
Membership Dues:
- Individual members: $75 per year is the recommended amount, or pay what you can ($20 minimum).
- You can add a second member ($150 total for both recommended, $40 for both minimum), but they each will need to provide a unique email address.
- Life members: In appreciation of their dedication to democracy, Life Members (members for more than 50 years) are exempt from membership dues.
To join and pay your dues by check:
Print and complete this membership form. (Please include the name and email address of any additional household member included in the dues amount.)
Please make your dues check payable to: LWVUS.
Mail your check and membership form to:
c/o Len & Marjola Nelson
407 Steele Street
New Britain, CT 06052
407 Steele Street
New Britain, CT 06052
For further information please call Marjola Nelson at (860) 223-2905
Upcoming Events:
Visit our Facebook Page: LWV New Britain Area
Contact: Ann Speyer aspeyer [at] comcast.net to participate