Legislative Updates: April 15, 2021

Legislative Updates: April 15, 2021

April 15, 2021 

  • Thanks to all the local leagues who have stepped up to add your written testimony or other support for such bills as:
    1. SB 1037 Solid Waste Management/Bottle Bill: 19 local leagues added to Connecticut Bottle Bill Works Coalition Letter to the CT Senate).
    2. HJ 58 (No-Excuse Absentee Voting) and HJ 59 (Early Voting): Four local league representatives submitted testimony on their league's behalf; many other members submitted testimony on their own.
  • See below for updates for SB 1037 Solid Waste Management/Bottle Bill Action Alert. Thanks to Kathy Golas for keeping us up-to-date on needed action on this important piece of legislation.

April 15 Bottle Bill Action Alert

  • We are among many who are monitoring the House and Senate schedules carefully. We will send a Call to Action, including for a "watch party", when we know more about when voting and other high priority bills will be called for discussion and vote. 

  • Meanwhile, we recommend the following two articles that shed light on important voting matters here in CT and the Northeast as we compare to states like Georgia:
    1. Hartford Courant (you may find a paywall here) - "Connecticut has some of the most restrictive voting laws in the country. Hereʼs how our voting laws compare to other states.
    2. The Atlantic -"The Truth About Georgia’s Voter Law"
  •  Below is the link to the sample Letter to the Editor Action Alert that we sent out last week on HJ 58 NEAV, where 75% "Yes" votes are needed in BOTH houses to get this on ballot for all voters in 2022.

Letter to the Editor: Take Action for No-Excuse Absentee Voting

  • Care to share your single most compelling reason for wanting no-excuse absentee voting and early voting? We're preparing our final talking points document and would welcome your input here. Send your response to Advocacy [at] lwvct.org with Subject Heading: Why I Want NEAV and EV. As an ancient boomer, my reason is to see a truly multiracial democracy where far more eligible voters regularly participate in elections at all levels of government. 

Thanks for all that you do.

Judy Lhamon, VP Advocacy, League of Women Voters of Connecticut


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