LWV New Haven

LWV New Haven

LWV New Haven

The New Haven League of Women Voters includes New Haven, West Haven, and East Haven, Connecticut.

Members of the League of Women Voters of New Haven posing in the lobby of the New Haven Court House

Members of the League of Women Voters of New Haven registering new citizens to vote at their naturalization ceremony.

Send us an email to say hello at lwv.newhaven [at] gmail.com.

Patricia Rossi, President
Maria Lamberto, Treasurer
Lesley Heffel McGuirk, Secretary
Stephanie FitzGerald, Membership Chair
Aaron Goode, Voter Services Chair


Join the LWV New Haven!

Please fill out the online new member application by clicking here.

Membership Dues:

  • Individual members: $75 per year is the recommended amount, or pay what you can ($20 minimum).
  • You can add a second member ($150 total for both recommended, $40 for both minimum), but they each will need to provide a unique email address.
  • Life members: In appreciation of their dedication to democracy, Life Members (members for more than 50 years) are exempt from membership dues.

To join and pay your dues by check:
Print and complete this membership form. (Please include the name and email address of any additional household member included in the dues amount.)
Please make your dues check payable to: LWVUS.
Mail your check and membership form to:


LWV New Haven
P.O. Box 3391
New Haven, CT 06515




Want to support our work to register and educate voters?

Make a donation of any amount today.