The League of Women Voters of Connecticut supports a campaign finance system that ensures the public's right to know, combats corruption and undue influence, and enables candidates to compete more equitably for public office.
Position History:
Adopted 1975; affirmed 2015.
The League of Women Voters of Connecticut believes that the goals of a campaign finance system should: ensure the public's right to know, combat corruption and undue influence, and enable candidates to compete more equitably for public office.
- The League believes that there should be limitations on the size of individual contributions and on overall expenditures by a candidate. These limits should be realistic and reasonable; high enough to be enforceable, but not so low as to affect candidates adversely. Cash contributions should be limited to small amounts.
- We support full and timely disclosure of all contributions prior to elections and of expenditures by a stated deadline. We realize that provisions must be made for campaign deficits, but there must be safeguards against contributions pledged orally in advance, to be fulfilled after the election in order to circumvent prior disclosure.
- No system, however complete or well-meaning, is effective if it is unenforceable. The establishment of a bipartisan elections commission with investigatory and subpoena powers is essential to any campaign reform. Strong penalties should be provided for violators
- The length of campaigns should be shortened, but enough time should be provided to allow full discussion of the issues and for adequate visibility of all candidates.
- This position applies to all state elections including primaries.
For more information on this position, see page 1 of Government - Impact on Issues 2017
Government Impact on Issues 2017
League to which this content belongs: